I’m tweeting! Yes, it is a big stretch for me, but I’m attempting to get the social media portion of technology incorporated into my instruction.
Really all I am doing is tweeting posts from the class blog.
BUT, the tweets ARE important. I may not tweet everything, (You can thank me later.) but I will be tweeting the following things regularly:
- Weekly Assignments Post
- Course 1 Math Class Post
- Field Trip Info
- Project Assignment Details (Rubrics, Guidelines, Instructions, etc.)
- Last Minute Reminders
If you are a Twitter user, (Which I am not.) You may want to follow me @mrdevolld (My awesome twitter handle) to get these updates on your smart phone. Of course you do not have to follow, it is just a small service for those who might like twitter updates.
I am toying with the idea of dabbling in Instagram and creating a class Facebook page. (This may not happen, but we will see.)